Quick & Easy Kaya (Coconut Jam) / 简易咖椰

When hb found the soft and fluffy Milk Bread I baked yesterday, he mentioned how nice to have it with kaya. He enjoyed Kaya Toast very much when we lived in Malaysia. This morning, I made him some quick and easy Kaya ready in less than 15 minutes. 

Making Kaya at home is so much easier than you thought, I sometimes made small amount with only an egg yolk for one-time consumption. Be sure you cook the Kaya with low heat. Using a frying pan will speed up the cooking time. 
昨天老爷看到刚出炉的牛奶吐司说想念马来西亚的Kaya Toast。因他的一句话,我这个二十四孝老婆就花十几分钟变出了四罐原味咖椰。开煮同时把洗好的罐子用100度的烤箱烤10分钟消毒除菌。咖椰其实比想象中的容易做,有时候我只做一粒蛋的份量。建议用平底锅煮,水份蒸发得快一些。煮咖椰的重点只有一个,从头到尾都用小火慢煮。

Quick & Easy Kaya (Coconut Jam) / 简易咖椰

INGREDIENTS (yields 180ml x 2):
200 ml Coconut milk
50 g Palm sugar
50 g Granulated sugar
4 Egg yolks
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp Corn starch
1 tbsp Water

  1. Mix together the corn starch and water in a large bowl. Then, add in the egg yolks and stir well. Set aside.
  2. Combine the coconut milk, palm sugar, and granulated sugar in a non-stick frying pan. Warm it up with the low heat, stir constantly until the sugar is dissolved. DO NOT BOIL.
  3. Slowly add the egg yolks mixture to the warm coconut milk in a stream, stir constantly.
  4. Add a pinch of salt, continue to cook and whisk over a medium-low heat until the mixture has thickened. 
  5. Transfer the Kaya into jars. It will thicken up further in the fridge. 

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