腐竹白果薏米糖水 [Traditional Chinese Dessert]


One of my ex-bosses loved this Chinese dessert very much she often "sponsored" the ingredients and asked office boy to cook it in the office with a big rice cooker for around twenty staff. At home, I have not cooked this for a really long time as I am the only person who love it. J loves barley soup very much but not when all other ingredients put together.

腐竹白果薏米糖水 is one of the popular Traditional Chinese desserts, it contains dried bean-curd  sheet (腐竹), ginkgo nut (白果), barley (薏米) and egg. Some people like it with boiled quail eggs but I prefer egg-drops, to reduce cholesterol input I sometimes cooked without egg. This time, I added some snow fungus which is also a common ingredient for Chinese sweet dessert soup. 

  • 1.5 litre water
  • 20 ginkgo nuts (I used boiled type)
  • 40-50 g Pearl Barley
  • 2 sheet dried bean-curds
  • White/Snow fungus
  • 1 no. large egg
  • Rock sugar to taste

  1. Combine water and barley in a pot, bring to a boil then simmer until barley is softened. 
  2. Meanwhile, soak white fungus then break into small pieces. Drain well, add into pot. 
  3. Wipe bean-curd sheet with damp towel then break into small pieces. Set aside.
  4. When white fungus is ready, add in ginkgo nuts, bean-curd and rock sugar to taste. Cook with low heat until bean-curd is softened. 
  5. Break egg into a bowl, beat well with a fork then add into the pork in a stream. Make a few swirl motion with a ladle gently. Turn the heat off and it is ready to serve.


  1. This is my all time favourite tong sui, with everything you have listed :). Sigh...gotta make a big pot very soon. Sometimes i also add some white fungus inside.

  2. i like it with white fungus too, but somehow i always eat it outside and have never mde it at home. definitely gonna try it soon.


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