D#2: Cabbage Soup (Don't judge by its look!)

Browsed through Yahoo Answer and found this low-fat soup recipe. The recipe calls for instant chicken stock but I made my own stock instead. Cooked the stock and veggies soup separately, then remove some oil in the stock before adding into the veggies soup. I also made some adjustment to other ingredients, used veggies that I could find at the market (in season). Also, I prefer to use fresh ingredients over those pre-prepared or canned foods.

Ingredients(4-6 serves as main course):
1/4 head White Cabbage
1/4 stalk Celery
1 big Onion
1 Carrot
3 Tomatoes
6-8 cup Water + Stock
Salt to taste

I did not saute the onion as suggested in original recipe. I simply throw all chopped veggies in the boiling water and let it simmer on low heat for about 90 minutes, then add in chicken stock and salt and let it simmer for another 30 minutes.
I am a soup person, I like this soup. Next time I would probably try something sour and spicy by adding in bird-eye chilis and lime juice.
