Homemade Egg Noodles / 手工全蛋面

Last week, I made some noodles for the first time in 2-3 years. I had pan mian and the boys had noodles with the same soup. Then, I turned the leftover into two plates of scrumptious Chicken Curry noodles. The boys loved the noodles so I decided to make some egg noodles before putting the noodles maker away. School holiday, more foods to feed the young teens. 


Stir-fried Noodles with extra dark soy sauce

Homemade Egg Noodles/ 手工全蛋面

INGREDIENTS (makes 8 servings)
500g High Protein Flour / 高筋面粉
±250g Whole Eggs / 全蛋液 
2.5 g Salt / 盐
2.5 g Potassium Carbonate / 食用碱 (粉状)
Corn starch / 玉米粉

  1. Combine the salt, potassium carbonate, and flour in a large mixing bowl. Mix well.
  2. Add in the egg mixture,  mix with a spatula or a pair of chopsticks until crumbles. Then knead until a soft dough is formed.
  3. Cover the dough with a cling wrap, set aside for 30 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions. Flatten, dust the dough with the corn starch then use the noodles maker to press repeatedly until the surface is smooth.
  5. Roll into desired thickness, cut and dust with the corn starch. Divide the noodles into small portions, cover with a dry table cloth.
  6. To cook, bring a pot of water to a boil. Add in 1 portion of the noodles, stir a little, cook for 1 minute. Remove from the pot, rinse under running tap water for a few seconds. Ready to use. 
  1. 把碱和盐加入面粉里搅拌均匀,过筛。
  2. 加入蛋液用筷子拌一拌,然后揉成光滑面团。
  3. 面团用保鲜膜包裹,醒面30分钟。
  4. 把面团分割成四等份,搓成条状压扁。撒少许玉米粉,用压面机反复压到表面光滑。
  5. 用切面机切成所须宽度的面条,撒上玉米粉抖匀,分成小份,盖上干布备用。

Soup Noodles

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  1. Hi Lydia, I do not have Potassium Carbonate. Can I omit it or what can I use to substitute it. Thank you.

    1. Hi Annie,
      You can omit it. The texture will be a bit different but won't affect the taste.

    2. Thank you, Lydia. Will defo give this a try. I guess it won't be 弹牙 like yours.


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