
Bitter-gourd with Mackerel [Health • Slimming]

Rolled Pork with Cabbage & Obento [お弁当 • 肉の野菜巻き]

Homemade Croutons / 烤面包丁 / クルトン

Pickled Cucumber with Konbucya [きゅうり昆布茶の浅漬け]

Spicy Bamboo Shoot Salad / 麻辣凉拌笋子 / 筍の麻辣和え

Pumpkin Dumpling / かぼちゃ団子/ 南瓜汤圆

Fried Squid II [イカげその唐揚げ]

Rendang Chicken / 冷当咖喱鸡 / ルンダンチキン

Pan Grilled Rosemary Chicken / 迷迭香焗鸡 / ローズマリーグリルチキン

Snapper Rice [鯛めし/鲷鱼砂锅饭]

Simmered Snapper in Soy Sauce [鯛の煮付け/日式酱油鱼]

Miso Soup with Egg [卵みそ汁 / 鸡蛋味增汤]

Special Sour-Spicy Shiitake [特色酸辣冬菇]

Turnip and Meatballs Stew / 肉団子とカブの煮物 / 肉丸子焖芜菁

Roti Canai / 印度煎饼 / ロティチャナイ

Christmas Cake [Christmas is about giving!]

Strawberry Shortcake [Beautiful Autumn - Nara Park]

Oyster Rice [Taste of Autumn]